Beauty Matters

Karen Scharer

November 12th - December 17th, 2022

Opening Reception November 12th from 4:30 - 6:30 pm

Artist Statement

My paintings are a product of my surroundings and the events and people I observe and interact with every day. Because I work very intuitively, everything I absorb and process influences my work...sometimes as major shifts in color or energy, sometimes just as nuance. Some influences are overwhelmingly positive, like the stunning splendor and variety of my Colorado surroundings, and the people who enrich my life. Other input is more difficult and challenging. All of it impacts the work. My paintings are a byproduct of living...challenges, beauty, hope, and loss. They reflect my gratitude for our beautiful planet and my optimism about the ability of the human spirit to overcome obstacles and build a better world. There will always be events and situations that cause stress, fear, anger, and even hopelessness. I believe during those times, pausing to remember and appreciate what we cherish – little familiar things as well as the momentous – can sustain us. Sometimes just a quiet moment of gratitude – or a beautiful painting - is enough to lift our spirits and carry us forward. Creating beautiful work that can inspire, encourage, and uplift has been my goal for more than 35 years. The need for beauty is great...there is still much work to do.


Karen Scharer’s work reflects decades of art study with a wide range of artists, informed by diverse experiences from travel, a degree in natural resource management, and a 17-year career in technology. During her more than 35-year successful painting practice, Scharer’s work has transitioned from realism to abstraction, and from watercolor to acrylic to oil, a medium which has now completely captured her focus and passion. Scharer’s large, colorful abstract paintings have been featured in dozens of solo and group shows across the U.S. Her work has been honored with many awards, accepted into numerous juried exhibitions, and is included in hundreds of public, private, and corporate collections. Notable collections include the Ponzio Visual Arts Center, Colorado Academy, Denver, CO; Ritz-Carlton Resorts, Beaver Creek, CO; BMW Corporation, Plano, TX; Dominion Oil, Oklahoma City, OK, and many others. Karen Scharer is based in Pueblo West, Colorado where her home and studio sit beneath dramatic skies just minutes from the beautiful Arkansas River, and a short drive from some of Colorado’s most spectacular mountain peaks. The stunning and varied Colorado landscape is a constant source of inspiration for her intuitive painting approach.